Sunday, November 20, 2011

seriously otak saye dah tumpul mcm pensil warne adik saye

zaman2 addictionist dulu, aku boleh post mcm2 dalam sehari. tapi skarang ni, blog pun cam hdup sgan mati tanak jek. agaknye makin dekat na grad makin berkarat otak aku ni. btw, tadi jumpe my old buddy, mus. oh, how nice to meet u dude. tapi ko tetap same mcm dulu. kuros kering. haha. cuti2 ni dtg la byk2 kali lagi k? aku pun dah nak grad.
p/s: mus cerita kisah cinta kot dekat aku. hehehehehe.

Monday, May 16, 2011

exam weh!

exam! exam! exam! pergi la men jauh-jauh. aku tensyen doh. sem dpn dah 5th sem, rugi kalau nak jadi malas skunk. tapi, kalau stay pun, dah xde sape. eee! dyra la ni, yg ko pergi short-course buat hape beb! hmmm. ak dah malas. serius ak dah malas. hehehe. sebenarnye ade agi yg aku na tulis ni, tpi baik ak study dlu, nti2 la eyh.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Aku Miss Korang

I miss my friends. Dyra dah buat shortcourse kat Shah Alam. Eddy dah quit. Mus dah pegi maktab dah setahun dah. yang ade skang pun Aina je, tu pun dia demam.. kesian dia. I need my friends. A year seems too fast. Everyone had left me. One by one. Please come back to me. I miss our good old times. I want u back. I miss u so damn much. Jangan ade yang brani2 lupe aku k?? <3 u guys!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


happy eid mubarak 2 all my family, related and friends. i hope all of you will 4give me for whatever mistake that i've done. i lov u!! lame kan x menulis??

Monday, May 3, 2010

my hatred

Ten perfect nights doesn't worth a clumsy night with you around. That was before. I was ignorant. Maybe I still am but one things for sure you just worth my knuckles. I used to think you were the best but you are the worst. Or maybe even worse than the worst.
Today you can throw any allegation. You can shoot me in the head I won't even know.
You are too low for me. You were a madness in my heart and you were everything.
Polca dot in my eyes long gone and you were gone longer. the only thing that hasn't gone is this hatred. and i think it'll last forever.


just now, mus did a promo for this blog in his blog. thnx man, luv u ahak!
but even if old readers of Addictionist visit this blog, I think they'll leave right away..
still kosong. no idea nak tulis aper.. ahhh! f***

Friday, April 30, 2010


creating this new blog. i used to write one before, but then i quit. (bored) hehe.
but seems like i'm more bored when i didn't do anything, i decide to create this new one. rakan2, cepat follow, klau x aku blasah kang. lisa,akim,mus,n yunie, korang kena follow coz aku da memfollow korang dgn setia. hehe.